Feel Healthy and Clean with Organic Sea Products Such as the Seaweed Mask
You can get a pleasant, clean feeling on your face and all over your skin by using organic seaweed products. PhycoHealth has a variety of options for your skin’s wellbeing that extends beyond even nutritional considerations. Seaweed is known for its health benefits, but those carry over into topical solutions as well.
This is particularly true with our unique type of organic seaweed found right in Australia. Similar to variations among different kinds of fish or land plants, variations occur in different kinds of seaweed collected throughout the world. We’ll go over that in a little more detail in just a bit.
How Do Organic Sea Products Benefit Me?
So, you’ve heard about the benefits that seaweed can give, but it’s best not to take these things on faith alone. Many scientific studies have occurred, and a depth of newly discovered and refined knowledge about the sea has guided us in the right direction.
Pia has studied seaweed sustainability for over 20 years, but along that way, she learned about the benefits that sea products have for human health. One significant advantage that seaweed provides is supplementary connective tissue. There’s a particularly beneficial type of connective compound found in organic seaweed; glucosamine and chondroitin sulphate are two prime examples of this. This compound mimics the connective tissue found in animals, and in a way can function like a vegetarian bone broth since it doesn’t need any animal products.
There are also trace elements and minerals in organic seaweed that are tremendously helpful in various parts of the human body. Hair, teeth, eyes, bones, and nails all require specific kinds of nutritional support that can be hard to find. It’s been shown that seaweed is an effective part of a diet that combats anaemia and iodine deficiency without relying on potentially complicating medications that mask the symptoms instead of solving the underlying issue.
PhycoHealth Has Your Health in Mind
We believe that the human body is a complicated and beautiful system. As it is profoundly interconnected, health improvement comes most fully from substantial changes to diet and activity, letting your natural defence and repair mechanisms function the way they should. It’s not commonly appreciated that the skin is an organ just like your internal organs. It needs to be maintained and taken care of properly.
Unlike your internal organs, however, you can help your skin out through topical products and treatments. An organic seaweed mask lets the seaweed extracts interact with your skin cells uniquely and excitingly. Our mask’s extracts are recognised by special receptors on skin cell membranes, allowing them to receive and absorb the sea’s nutritive benefits directly without having to pass through your intestines and blood system. The skin cells thrive on the mask’s extracts which protect collagen, keeping your skin moisturised, healthy, and resilient. Contact us to learn more about our products and other ways that seaweed can become an integral and valuable part of your regular health regimen.